Cambrian launches its FFPE kits🎉
The kit isolates DNA🧬 and provides reliable performance in various downstream applications.
We’re excited to announce the launch of our FFPE kits!
Cambrian’s DNA FFPE tissue kit is specially designed for purifying DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
The kit isolates purified DNA and shows reliable performance in sensitive downstream applications such as qPCR, PCR, or NGS library preparation.
Key Features
Yields up to 10 μg of purified DNA
Extracts DNA from 1–16 tissue lysates in 30 minutes
Repeatable and reliable performance
Compatible with manual and automated workflows
Characteristics of the product:
Starting material: 3-5 curls of 10 microns
Rapid process with minimal handling
High-purity of the sample with a low elution volume
BioAsia 2023
The BioAsia summit was awesome! We met some great people, made valuable connections, and learned from the best in the industry!🥂
(also, who doesn’t love a big pot of hot Hyderabadi biryani🍚? Shah Ghouse rules!)
Memes are Important!
Some science reading for you:
💸 Ambani to foray into genomics testing with a $145 kit
🧬 Scientists Uncover the Genetic Basis of Fingerprints, Finally
🧲 Magnetic Beads for DNA extraction: User’s Guide
🦠 Bacteria Inside Nematodes Could Lead To Better TB Treatment
Who’s Hiring?
Bionano: Clinical Affairs Scientist
PSI CRO AG: Clinical Research Associate I/II
Novo Nordisk: Clinical Research Associate - WISE
Gravitra: Bio-Process Manager